Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekend festivities make a mama tired!

We had a great weekend with the kids and Gramma, Grampa and Grammy, outside of Truman coming down with yet another strain of a, not so common, cold:( man I just wish that he would fight this off and feel better! Rough couple of nights, up every 4hrs, getting puked on, having a 27lb little boy that's a bazillion degrees wanting to lay right on top of you and then listening to him cough and gag through the night...break a mama's heart! Other than that the kids had a good weekend, went to a movie, had a road trip to Whidbey and then spent today playing video games and watching movies! I wrote a family blog at that shows pics and gives more detail about the weekend.

I'm exhausted but only because its takes a lot of energy to make sure everyone is fed, bathed, clothed and sleeping (not as much as I would have liked) for 3 full days and most importantly making memories! I have to thank Rodney for putting together the day trip and doing the pre-loading and packing the night before! It takes an amazing amount of determination and gumption (patience would help too if I had any) to load up a family of 5, plus gramma, grampa and Grammy and Waylon and Cooper! but it is all worth it for the stories, the laughs and the chaos:)

- back to work tomorrow mama

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Coughing and more coughing

Ugh!! This whole building of the immune system sucks!! Truman came down with yet another fever last night, looong night of no sleep and a lot of snot and coughing:( It would be nice to get this month long set of colds under control!

So today instead of heading to Whidby for a parade both Truman and Grandpa were under the weather so when nap time rolled around Rodney and I loaded up Evelyn and Henry and went to the matinee show of Shrek 4 in 3D! It was pretty good, expensive but good... Since when does it cost $45 to take a family of 4 to a matinee??? Sheesh! But the time and experience and little catnap I took was worth every penny;)

Nighttime so far has been a bit challenging, Trumans coughing spout lasted almost 20min, gagging and everything...not fun! Trying vicks on his chest and feet, cold and hot air humidifiers (does that negate the positive aspects of both of them?) and warm apple juice... So far they have been less but the fever is definitely back, I'm betting in another ear infection but since we just got off the antibiotics for the last one i've been pushing the garlic oil in the ears and fever/pain reliever meds to combat the fever...going to give it to Tuesday before heading back to the Dr...AGAIN!

-could be another long night mama

Friday, May 28, 2010


Yesterday I got to talk to my grandpa Chandler, he is simply awesome!  Had back surgery at 90years of age and is complaining that he isn't able to get out on the ranch like he wants to...I can only hope to be like him when I'm 90~    I miss my Chandler family and hope to get to see them this summer for a bit and catch up!

Rodney and Truman at the Chandler Hereford Ranch in 09

My Grandpa, Charles Chandler (09)

We had thought about loading up the kids and dogs and heading out of town this weekend to Pendleton but have decided to stick around and check off some to-do items instead (grown up decisions aren't always the fun ones).  BUT Gramma, Papa and Grammy are headed this way and we are all very excited to spend the extended holiday with them!  Truman asked about sissy, enry, gramma, grammy and papa ALL THE WAY TO SCHOOL TODAY :)  however it didn't change the fact that we still had tears at drop-off.. bummer

I'm hopeful that future summers will hold RV trips across the US and camping trips in Gramma and Papa's 5th wheel at the lake!
Wallowa Lake trip 08

- chaos is what memories are made of mama

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sissy's are awesome...

Evelyn had a history night tonight and Truman was sooo excited to see her, Margo and Jon it was pretty cute:) I think it's amazing how he sees sissy every other weekend but yet he still knows in his heart that she is his one and only sissy and he loooooves her, that bond is so sweet <3.

- sweet moments are captured in your heart mama

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Finished my book, even started a second one!

That's right it's been quite a few years since I've read a book that wasn't work related or about being pregnant or having a baby or toddler! I had forgotten how much I enjoyed reading someone else's words, their thoughts, stories and life in general. So I want to thank you babe (aka Rodney) for the wonderful mamas day gift it has brought back something I forgot I enjoyed. I'm learning that it's important for us mamas to remember those kind of things because its easy to get wrapped up in the bazillion other things we are responsible for! Now onto my next book, "Dear John", might as well throw a love story in there before I read "Columbine" which is next on my list;)

- back to reading mama

Transition from Monday to Tuesday... things are looking up

Yesterday afternoon was Truman's 18mo appt (a month late) - the appt went great, he wow'd all the nurses with his vocab and his Dr said everything looked great!  A little fluid in one ear (remnants of his recent ear infection) and he definitely has a cold brewing but that it was getting better.  He's in the 97% for height and 50-75% for weight - hear that Seahawks?? ;)  He received two shots, which he did not appreciate, but was swayed by the cool soccer band-aids and an Elmo sticker. 

During my discussion with his Doc we discussed his 'Paci' - (pacifier) and she has given me a date of 6/1 - only at night and by the end of June NO MORE!!  okay okay, I know he'll be fine and he doesn't need it and its a germ factory at school but hmmm.. not sure either of us is ready for this one! ;) (I know Rodney is)  I'm sure its just like sleep training, a rough 3-5 days and then he's over it but its those rough 3-5 days that I do not look forward to!  I'm also a little sad, this is really the last remaining 'baby' item for him... we've (amazingly) had the same pacifier since he was in the hospital.. SAME ONE! only a few holy shit moments, one specifically at Christmas when he was two and a half months old we were at Target doing some shopping and got to the checkout with NO PACI!  Rodney and I then took another 30min, backtracking through Target and received our Christmas miracle ironically on the ground in the diaper isle... !  I'm sure we'll both be fine and move on without it, but between you and me it sure is nice to be able to give him that Paci for instant comfort and a little peace and quiet ;)

On a more positive note this morning Truman slept until 6:45am... WUHUU!! I actually got a shower without interruption (bonus!) Traffic wasn't bad, Truman was in a good mood so I was hopeful about a good drop-off.  We said hi to Shadow the donkey, the ducks and the goats, walked into the far so good... we walked into the playroom with the other kids and he was a little clingy but no tears and then the big transition from mama to Ms Rita..   NO TEARS!!  there wasn't actually a smile either but NO TEARS!! I'm considering that a 'W' for today!!

- progress today mama

Monday, May 24, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4, 5....

Had a great weekend, date night was awesome... Mexican food and pink flamingo margaretas at Mexico Cantina Y Cocina, and Iron Man 2 - it was an entertaining flick and nice to get out with Rodney for some adult time...even though figuring out what we were going to do was a little bumby but all in all it ended up being just what we needed.

Truman's cough is getting better, slept pretty soundly last night which is a welcomed change... still woke up earlier than he should have and if its possible to wake up on the wrong side of the crib then Truman did! super crabby!  This is not usually his MO so I'm wondering if maybe today at the Dr (have his 18mo check-up a little over a month late) we find out he's got an ear infection or something going on because WOW, Mr crab cakes this morning!

Not sure how many time I heard the word, "this, this, this, this" on the way to school this morning and went through everything in the front seat, and most of what I could reach in the back, to find out what 'this' he was referring to with absolutely no success!  by the time we pulled into school we were both frustrated, I had counted to 10 multiple times both in my head and outloud (might as well teach Truman to count in the process of gaining patience) and I knew it wasn't going to be a good drop-off... aaannnd I was right, crabby about taking his jacket off, wouldn't let go of the paci, snot running down his face along with some tears.. BUT by the time I walked out the door (20sec later) he had stopped crying and I heard him talking to Ms Rita... little booger~

- Monday morning's hard for everyone... even Truman, mama

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Taking care of some business, sleep business that is!

When Truman napped today so did I! It was fabulous given not much sleep has been going on, mostly coughing:( Nanny (Elizabeth) is coming over tonight to watch Truman for a bit and he is very excited! Rodney and I are having a date night, not sure what is on the agenda but I know it won't involve making Mac n cheese or listening to a monitor! (at least until we get home) :)

-time to go out mama!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Always learning something new

As a parent I learn something new everyday most often about myself! I've come to the realization recently that, given things are kind of crazy right now in the Bullington world, I am trying to control everything else around me! I need to not only ask for help but actually let people's a two part system!

So starting right now I'm loosening my grip on things, letting things slide (but not to far), communicating my needs and expecting more of others - we only get one turn on this ride and when the shit gets deep it's the choices we make and the people we give a rope to that will pull us through...

- loosen up and dig in mama

Let's just forget about Wednesday

WOW - yesterday from about 4:30pm on was barely a 2 on a scale of 1-10...between traffic and a very unhappy, tired and hungry Truman...I'm pretty sure I'm going to need another box of hair color sooner than later ;)  Rodney did have a yummy dinner in the works for Jr when we got home so that was very helpful because he devoured all of his dinner and dessert!  We quickly zoomed through bath, a little Pajanamals and then book to get him into bed before he officially turned into a pumpkin! Not sure if it was the traumatic 2+hr car ride home for him or just the extreme exhaustion but Truman actually slept until 7am this morning! and no I will not be repeating tonight to get the same results...  that's all I have to say about Wednesday... moving on

-today is a new day mama

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Oh the places you will go"

Today was a good day, minus the sleep deprivation I seem to be having... had a good productive day at work, problem solving with my friend Cat, a laugh filled lunch with my friend Dana and continuing to learn new things regarding the opportunities and challenges I have at work. 

Pick up from school today for Mr Truman went great, he really is starting to enjoy it, the learning, Ms Rita, his friends and especially playing outside!  The napping is still a struggle, which attributes to today's earlier post and yet another tough bedtime tonight.  I had every intention to get Truman down early tonight however traffic said otherwise so we'll give it a shot tomorrow night.

Now with that said tonight on our way home Truman was starting to get fussy (as he does after not much of a nap and an extended time in the car) so Rodney came to the rescue with Wonder Pets on his iphone and some headphones... here is the picture he took.

When I took a closer look at this picture I saw a little boy growing up right before my eyes and the world whizzing by all around him!  Here is that same little boy only a short 19mo ago~ 

"Oh the places you will go" Truman, we will try and keep up with you!

- take time to enjoy the moments mama

Where did my sleeping angel go?

Okay moms and dads of the world, how in the world do I get Truman to sleep past 5:30am??  This, in my very honest opinion, is WAY TO EARLY for anyone in our house to be up!  Had a good conversation with my friend Caralie this morning and I'm going to try the ol' theory that sleep begets sleep and instead of fighting him to stay up until his normal bedtime (6:45-7pm) just putting him down earlier when I see that he's tired... because he's definitely more tired now that he's in 'school' all day!  I will let you all know if this theory proves True or False tomorrow, in the meantime feel free to send me any other ideas you may have or tricks up your parental sleeves ;)

On a different front we are getting one of our Land Cruisers fixed today (the 80) very exciting, been a year+ in the making so Truman and I got to spend some extra time with Rodney on our way to dropping the 80 off at a shop and then him off at work.  I didn't take it as a very good sign that Truman started chanting 'home, home, home' about 10minutes before we got to school so drop off was a little rough this morning. We didn't have immediate tears but definitely flowing when I stepped out the door, I'm hopeful by the end of this week he will be handling drop-offs like a champ!  He did yesterday, for the first time, tell me one of his 'friends' names... it was pretty freaking cute!

- your baby's growing up mama

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time for my 'pull your head out speech'

When I was a coach (and probably a player to) there were moments in time where I would deliver my 'pull your head out of your ass' pep talk, well I'm dusting it off and bringin' it back!

I didn't post yesterday because I had one of those weekends where I wish I would have pushed myself to do more.. to be involved.  Those types of times are hard for me because I'm definitely a 'pusher' of myself and even those around me but for some reason this past weekend I just couldn't get things going.  So I'm going to just pass of this past weekend as an okay weekend but had the potential to be better so watch out next weekend! ;)

We had a good morning at the house, Rodney got up and made breakfast for everyone and we all got out the door on schedule.. (small victory!)  Trumans drop off was less than stellar this morning but I'm sure that comes after a weekend of just hanging out at home with the family.  He seems to have yet another cold, not sure how many different strains of this same cold there are but I"m pretty sure he's working through all of them at this point!  Have my coffee, my headphones and I'm ready to go~

- pull your head out mama

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Officially a hard day

Well we started off the weekend with last minute plans to go to Olympia for Rodney's coed softball tourney, 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 adults (I use that word loosely) and our stuff for the weekend to support all of the lives previously mentioned... And just as fast as we had plans we decided it was crazy and poof the plans were gone. This morning there was talk of me loading up the kids and heading there for the day however with the boys waking up at 5:30 and 6:30 respectively and Truman starting to come down with yet another cold I decided against it and I will say now, in hindsight, that that decision was the start of a very long day (regardless)!

(insert lots of crying, clinging, laughing, deep breaths, counting, eating, completion of some chores while Truman napped and timers set for tv and video games)

After a very loooong day for everyone Truman was absolutely exhausted and took 35min of hysterical crying to finally pass out, Hank went down relatively easy and has already slept through another Truman crying episode. Evelyn was a good help today, cuddling with Truman and playing xbox with Henry she's now enjoying some by herself time playing WoW and me??well... I am sitting here typing up my blog while some wonderful Loreal hair-dye works its magic on my gray hair...which after today Loreal has their work cut out for them;)

-tomorrow will be better and free of gray hair mama

Friday, May 14, 2010

Date night, up early, not a great drop off - but it's FRIDAY!

Had a date night last night with the hubby, he picked up Sushiwave sushi for dinner.. YUMMOS and the move 'The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus' - Heath Ledger's last movie.  The movie was pretty good, entertaining, interesting story of good battling evil and a good cast.  I wouldn't say its a ten but I didn't fall asleep which makes it above a 5 at least ;) 

Truman was up bright an early this morning, not sure whats up with that - 6am makes me lie in bed hoping and wishing that he will find his paci and go back to sleep for just another hour (is that really to much to ask?)... but alas, the 'mama, mama' chant was getting louder and louder.. he even tried using 'poo poo' to get me up there but I'm onto his tricks!  So, up early means a sleepy boy on the way to school this morning, good luck Ms Rita getting him to 11:30 for nap!  Drop off wasn't all that great, there were tears but less screeching so I'll take that as progress.

Splurged for a carmel macchiato this morning, YUM, so now I'm ready to attack this Friday!  The sun is shining and its amazing how it makes me think deeply about... everything else EXCEPT work ;)  Sheesh how do people in California or Arizona live there AND go to work everyday?  Anyways, looking forward to having Evelyn and Henry this weekend, Truman has been talking about them since Wednesday, believe me that's a lot of 'sissy, sissy?' and 'enry, enry?' to answer!

- you made it to Friday mama

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I can see the light...

This morning it happend, okay well close to happend.. I got Truman to school and he was a little fussy about walking into his class but so far so good, got in the door, still no tears, saw Ms. Rita - even said hi, still no tears!  He started talking about his class, saying hi to the kids (all HUGE progress).  At the time of hand-off there was a little clinging, a small amount of screeching but NO TEARS!!

Did you hear that? that's the huge sigh of relief I gave as I walked out the door, got into my car and headed to work :)  Now I know that it is a baby step of progress and I will take it as such, each day will be different but I'm going to put a 'W' down for this morning!

- booyah mama

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Houston we have progress!

It was nice being back at work, got caught up and plan in place for the rest of the week...and during the afternoon I thought to myself how is it that yesterday I just wanted a break, time to myself and now I'm missing Truman terribly...thinking about driving to daycare and busting him out ;) damn those mama hormones!

Left work a little earlier than usual because I figured it had been a long day for him at daycare and was anticipating a rough pick up and drive home...BUT I am happy to report that there were no tears at pickup!!! NO TEARS!! He took an hour and a half nap, played great and did I mention no tears at pickup! I even had to go back into the classroom to change him real quick and I got laughs and smiles NOT freakout:).

Rodney has basketball tonight (my king of the boards) and Truman went down better than he has in a week or so, house is picked up, laundry started...going to read a work document and then some more of my book...oh and finish off the Swedish Fish!

- that's progress mama

Back at it!

Between the bag of O's being dropped in the back, the paci thrown someplace not easy to find while driving on the freeway and a shoe and sock both off by the time we got to daycare today we were both a little fried!  So drop off was what I expected it to be, Truman actually did stop crying for a few minutes while I held him and talked to Ms Rita about how he was feeling and trying to figure out a word he's started saying (after last week) - he puts his hands behind his back and says "pabum".. lol.. she had no idea either.. ahhhh!! lol  However when the handoff was made the tears and screaming (with no sound) started :(  shhh.. did you hear that? it was the sound of my freaking heart breaking!  We'll see how he does today, could be a short day if that damn fever comes back, fingers crossed!

- get to work mama!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stay at home mamas are saints

So just a disclaimer here that you may not agree with my thoughts in todays blog... First of all just like the title states I'm pretty sure that my thoughts when I was young and didn't know any better, that I would have babies, quit my job and stay home with them... I know now to be foolish not because it isn't rewarding or fun it's just a shit load of hard work!! Stay at home mamas are saints!! I found myself today with my half my body inside Trumans blowup play house with my head laying on his wobbie half asleep singing songs to him so that he would just stay still for a few minutes! This and thinking that I would 1) try and work at all today from home and 2) heaven forbid get a load of laundry done...noooo! SAINTS I tell ya! Now that's not to say that working moms have it easy we have our own sets of challenges I'm just sayin'.

So with that said Truman is feeling much better, spent most all of the afternoon after his nap without a fever over 101 so i take that as progress and he ate some lunch and dinner...wuhuuu!! Back to work for me and school for Truman tomorrow (which I'm sure he'll be thrilled about!)

Hank is with Rodney at Costco, they even took the dogs with them!! Which leaves me all myself!!! Holy smokes!! So I do get to get some cleaning done, a load of laundry in the washer and some work done all before sitting down to write my thoughts for the about an awesome end to a Tuesday!! (thank you babe!)

On a new front, with my mothers day gift (iPad) I have decided that I will take advantage of the cool ibook app and actually read a book! Now let's not get carried away with book club invites just yet I'm going to try and ready one book over the next couple of weeks and see how it goes....most the time when I try and read in the evenings I get about 3 pages in and am dead asleep last night I made it 12 pages!! Reading "The Glass Castle" by Jeanette far so good!

Oh p.s had I not been home today with Truman I might have just missed out on this shot...(being home has it's perks) ;)

- back to work mama

Monday, May 10, 2010

Being wanted vs being annoyed

Wow what a long day, Truman had his ups and downs between fevers, runny nose, super sleepy, hungry, not hungry, playing and melting downs... During the day I found comfort in the fact that I could get him to calm down or to sleep by holding him because I knew he felt bad:(. However towards the end of the day after he woke up from a second nap he was sooooo crabby and sooooo clingy that I couldn't get his dinner made and he wouldn't go to Rodney so I was bordering on annoyed, which of course I felt bad about... But that feeling passed after he got a nice steam shower with dad and that smile and sweet boy was back;)

Went down somewhat okay, think he's probably coming down with another cold but only time will tell! He had a eucalyptus steam shower, has a vicks hot vaporizer going and garlic drops in the ears for precaution. We'll see how tonight goes and make the daycare call in the morning. I'm pretty sure the separation anxiety is only going to be worse once we do go back but I'll save that for tomorrow or Wednesdays blog... Lol

-you made it through today mama

Little by little

Truman is doing a little better today after a long night of 103+ fever :( he's down for his nap early hopefully, as Rodney puts it, sleeping it off! Was able to get some work done and a document downloaded to read on my iPad and thought about picking up the house but didn't get the motivation going... Oh well, it's not Ike it's going anywhere lol, I'll get the great opportunity to do it later.
- slowly but surely mama

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Being Mama is hard

This afternoon wasn't what had hoped....Truman was sleeping good, for a change, however when we got to hour number 3 I started to get a little worried. Yep sure enough when he got up he had a fever and was really lethargic, took him almost and hour and a half longer to really wake up... Not like him at all!

So I sat on the couch with him for awhile and he started to come around, drank a little water so that's good and ate some Cheerios. Overall when he fell asleep again on my chest at around 5:30 and I could feel that his fever was spiking again I started to battle with myself between my heart and my gut... I know that kids gets fevers all the time and that they are going to be tired and just overall sick but this seemed to come on do quickly and to be that lethargic isn't Iike him at all! So after consulting with Rodney who said I should do what my gut was telling me we loaded Truman up and took him to Childrens.

Okay yeah yeah i know...he's got a fever Kelli and not even for 24hrs but you know what I've got good insurance (thank you Microsoft) and a sick's mama's day and I can do whatever the hell I want! Childrens was great, they are so quick there and nice however I got the feeling from the Dr that Truman saw that she was not to impressed with me being there with the symptoms... Or non symptoms he had... Like I said, don't care! She looked him over, said everything looks good and that I should watch him closely for the next 72hrs because a fever with no symptoms for that period of time is concerning...GREAT! 1) like I'm just going to take him home and ignore him and 2) yep, that's all I've got to do over the next 72 hrs...sit around and watch Truman for symptoms...riiiight!

Got back home with one unhappy and hot little man, got him to eat and drink a little before putting him down for the night (a mama can hope right?). At this point I'm sweaty, my deodorant has failed and I'm in dire need of shower! Rodney went to the store to pick up dinner makings along with a new digital thermometer (thats right Truman no more rectal temps- you can thank your Daddy for that;)).

Looks like Trumans second week of daycare will have to wait and staying home with mama is on the calendar for tomorrow!

- you did the right thing mama

Mama's Morning!

Truman slept till 7am!! Wuhuuu! Best gift ever;) (other than my most awesome iPad! Thanks again to my hubby and Popcap peeps for making that happen;))

Go the moms cards written (just in time) and Rodney made breakfast...we actually all sat down and ate at the table (minor victory...shoot scratch that major victory!). Headed to the grocery store with mom to pick up some stuff and left Truman with the boys...well I guess after about a 20min meltdown and standing at the door chanting 'mama mama' lol Rodney put him in the bath (fun!) so when i got back home Truman is standing at the door butt naked and Rodney is running around with a diaper on his head LOL!! Good time with Dad and Papa;)

The fam-damily has loaded up and headed back over the pass:( we had such a great weekend and appreciate everything they do and all the miles they put in! Truman is down for the count and I'm blogging instead of cleaning...Mama's day kicks ass! (except I'll probably clean later)

-slacker day mama

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Great Day

Today began a little earlier than I would have liked with Truman up at 6am... Ugh! But I try to think of it as his way of telling me that he wants to spend more time with Mama today;). Had a good morning, one of Rodney's friends came over this morning and brought some awesome donuts (thanks Scott Rankin!) Truman ate an entire chocolate donut on top of the 2 eggs, grapes and a bowl of cereal....are you listening Seahawks management?? The donut eating was quickly followed with a walk with grandma and papa while I helped Grandma LaVerne speed up her machine so she can play her online slots with better performance! Love that woman!!

After nap we had big plans today... Let me clarify that, after Trumans nap, we had big plans. Trumans very first haircut today at Beach Combers on Phinney, and then the ZOO and then Buca Di Beppos in Seattle for dinner!!! Yay mama's day!! Haircut started out with tears but ended with quite a dapper looking little man,

Then after that it was off to the zoo where everyone else and literally their mother was going;) but it was a beautiful day and we had a great time! The animals were out and the crowds weren't too daunting, however the waffle cone ice cream place ran out of ice cream so Papa was a little bummed (so was I!) but we persevered and made it to Buca Di Beppos for yummy and so full!

Got Truman and grandma LaVerne home right before they turned into pumpkins and then I got my wonderful Mama's day gift early! This is my official first blog post on my very own iPad!!! Yes I am spoiled and loving every minute of it:) now to keep the kids goober grabbers off of it...yeah right!

- great day mama

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Whole Fam-Damily

Work FLEW by today, really busy learning new technology and trying to keep up!  Mom, Dad and Grandma got stuck in traffic coming over the pass due to construction so they were a little later getting into town which worked out perfectly because they got to join me in picking Truman up from school today!  The pick up was better today, he was outside playing... very cute.. and he was so happy and excited to see Grammy, Papa and Gramma - that helped!  I would say the best thing about daycare this week was 1) it being over and 2) the awesome Mother's Day card the teacher.. I mean Truman made!  It has Truman's hand prints and some glitter PERFECT!

We got everyone home, baby fed and boy was he in full form tonight showing off for the G's :) Running around like crazy (being overtired didn't help matters) but cute all the same... *side thought... why can't adults get spun up like that when we are tired? hmmm
The pic above was about 25 min before he hit the wall, on the ground playing with Dad belly laughing as Rodney bench pressed him... lol!  I'm glad I captured the smile and not the fits later ;)

Its so nice to have the family here and we have some fun stuff planned for the weekend - Truman's first haircut tomorrow, hopefully the zoo, Bucca De Beppo's for dinner and I'm pretty sure 'fart and fall' after that! 

- busy but good Friday mama

Today was not 'that' day

Boys got up and going this morning good, only a small battle with Hank to get dressed but the promise of 'Whoppers' helped speed that along... not afraid to bribe candy to stay on time... Got breakfast made, sausages, eggs, toast, banana and vitamins however how come when I spend 20min making breakfast they don't want it... but when we are in the car on our way to school is when I told..."I'm hungry!" or "O's?" so good thing I'm crafty and have taken the breakfast and O's and put them in to-go baggies.. so voila Mama is the hero (for at least 5 min)... that is until they drop it, or throw it and then its behind me and I can't reach it in the car so I hear about it for the next 25min... oh well, brief moment of victory will be savored for what it is... a brief moment.

So Truman and I got Hank dropped off at school and then I answered "where's 'enry'?" questions for the next 10min - hoped on 405 ( I LOVE CARPOOL) and rolled into Bridle Trails School in hopes that today would be 'THAT' day.. Truman had done well in the car on the way, even in the driveway, got out of the car and said 'hello' to Shadow the donkey and as soon as we walk in the door I've got a screaming spider monkey attached to the side of me :*( quickly telling me that today was in fact NOT 'that' day.

- there's always tomorrow mama

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Better End than Beginning

Today, as mentioned before was a bit fuzzy for me and a rough start for Mr Truman as well... but just as my day flew by and I pulled out of the fog with new and good stuff to work on and a nice lunch with my friend Dana - solving more worlds problems... so did Trumans!  With a big 1hr 15min nap, played outside and NO TEARS at pick-up.. wuhuu!!  So off we went to pick up Hank at school which always adds a special something to our day and Truman gets SOO excited to see big brother (and sissy too)!

Rodney had bought hotdogs to grill, mac n cheese as a side and Tang to top it off!  Boys ate well, bath went good but bedtime was rough... definitely hit the overtired mark so we had to fight through some tears at bedtime but now both boys are out like a light!

The fam damily comes to town tomorrow so we've picked up in preparation for their arrival, Truman is going to be on cloud nine - even better PAPA is coming too!! It's been awhile since Dad has been able to leave Pendleton because of tax season so we are excited to have him join in the fun :) 

- progress today mama

Heart Strings

UGH!  I'm a little fuzzy this morning but not too bad however Truman's drop off at daycare this morning was the worst one so far :(  He is very tired so that's not helping... the tears started BEFORE we even got to school this morning and only got worse once we were inside... kept repeating.. 'head down.. head down' as he laid his head on my shoulder, clinging to mama not to leave!  Okay mama (I said to myself) time to put your big girl panties on... so I rocked Truman for a little bit and then handed him, blankie, woobie, paci... tears and all over to Ms Rita!  Said I'd be back, gave him a kiss and walked out the door - Heart Strings officially tugged on - close to being ripped out!

Now I'm at work, coffee in hand, cereal eaten ready to jump into my day.. gingerly~

- not the greatest morning, but not the worst morning mama

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo!

After picking Truman up from his second day of daycare - a better day, 10min longer nap and less tears at pick-up... I got him home, made dinner and then made food for his lunch tomorrow - mac n cheese and hamburger!  Nanny (Elizabeth) showed up at 6pm to watch Truman tonight while Rodney and I went out... a HALL PASS FOR MAMA!!  He was so excited to see her which made everyone happy :)

Our night out was good, some adult time was definitely needed - I tried to ignore the mom filter that turns on when I reach the point where I shouldn't drink anymore because I will feel it tomorrow morning.. but alas... I cannot ignore it!  We are home, Truman was asleep but woke up looking for mama (I'm secretly glad).. Rodney made dinner and now I'm drinking water and taking Advil (like a good girl).  Cinco de Mayo - A! got to spend time with Truman and then adult time with Rodney and friends - oh and my friend Jose Cuervo ;)

-great day mama

An apology to a friend

In my first post I blah blah'd through a part of my day where I got to spend time with a very good friend... My friend Dana and I ran errands together on Tuesday.. we got emissions test of the Land Cruiser out of the way, checked on the Sammamish house, had lunch at the Pine Lake Pub (yummy) and stopped by the Company Store...all packed with solving the world problems and belly laughs, it was a great part of my day and definitely part of me being a friend and having a good one...

- Thank you for being a friend... (you know... like the song ;))

Foiled plans

So you know how when you are a new mom and you have days where you think.. hmm I might try and look cute today, or at least brush my hair?  Well tonight this mama is GOING OUT for Cinco de Mayo! and slightly excited about it so I thought to myself.. self, lets find something cute to wear in this closet of clothes that don't all fit (yet)... so I find a cute, fun t-shirt.. put a long sleeve under it for that layered look and set out to get the rest of the house up and going -a short 10min later I am changing my clothes into said t-shirt with a sweatshirt over it because I have successfully splattered grease on the front of it making Truman's eggs...plan foiled only to try again another day!

Got everyone up, out of the house, Rodney dropped of at work, Truman to daycare - still tears today but less of them so I'm going to take that as a win... got to work earlier than I have in a while, coffee in hand and ready to take on the day... my mind is feeling somewhat clearer today, only 5hrs until Trumans through nap time and I will call and check in... tick tock.. tick tock..

-pretty good morning mama

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First full day of daycare

As I leave the house this morning after getting Truman (and Rodney) up and ready and all the crapload of stuff that goes with us on the first day of daycare I'm of course running 20min late.  This coming from a woman who has always been 15min early to EVERYTHING!  I now understand how this happens...

Truman and I kiss Daddy goodbye (come to think about it, did I kiss Rodney goodbye this morning.. sorry babe) and we walk out the door to the first day of school, the first step on a hopefully 21year long journey for him - yes he's 18mo old and I'm already talking about college.  I take off in hopes that traffic won't be bad as I'm going to risk taking the freeway all the way there.. well that wouldn't have been so bad if the idiots that planned the I-5 express lanes had incorporated a way to get OFF of the express lanes in order to get on 520 across the water.... so Truman and I take the not-so-express way all the way into Seattle only to turn around and head back across the water.. AWESOME!

We get to school and I'm thinking okay how am I going to get all of this stuff and Truman into the daycare, will he walk himself or start running the other way?  I decide to let him walk his cute little self into school and he does! only to turn on the waterworks as soon as we get in the door.  I actually expected this so I'm enjoying the cuddling and the attention but he needs to learn that Mama will always come back.. lesson number 1!

I leave, I go to work, jump right into some meetings, learning new things because I recently moved to a new team and have a whole new set of challenges... Challenges that unfortuantely are being clouded by my continued wondering about how Truman's day is going... I fight the urge to sit and stare and start reading documents and planning out classes that I think would help me get ramped up quickly!

blah blah blah, ran some errands, did some more work, attended some more meetings and 4:30pm is finally here so I can go pick up Truman... I am like a horse heading back to the barn once I hit the door.. lol - Truman did great on his first day, alligator tears flowed down his face when I picked him up but he was so polite to his teacher that between sobs he made sure to wave bye bye and blow her a kiss..

After only a 35min nap today, when he usually gets 2.5hrs I figured he would sleep on the way home but nope.. wasn't having it - so after calling Grammy, Gramma and Daddy to tell them about our day we are still sitting in traffic and I have know realized that I forgot a house key this morning and make the call to Rodney that he will need to leave work and head home.  I get another call from him about 5min later and Lola (our 67 LandCruiser pickup) has decided to die (of course it did) - Rodney waves his magic wand and gets it going again and is on his way home (wuhuuu!).

Its now about 5:45pm and I know that Truman is hungry and running on fumes so I have this battle in my head of the need for him to eat sooner or later vs feeding him a hamburger from Burger King... which I know I was raised on and I don't have problems with giving him a happy-meal or fast-food once in awhile but I seem to have this battle in my head about making sure I do the best thing for him nutritionally ALL THE TIME.. (ugh) but I'll save that for another blog..

We get Burger King, Truman's happy as can be saying ham-bur-ger, ham-bur-ger.. we get home, Rodney gets home, we get into the house, Truman gets a shower, we watch some Yo Gabba Gabba and off to bed he goes!   In the world of a mama this is not the end of the day only the beginning of a new one, one that could possibly include some 'me-time'!  I get Truman's lunch together, make some blueberry bread for tomorrow and breakfasts this week (nothing fancy, from the box) and get some dinner together (which to be really honest doesn't happen very often because Rodney is the chef of the house).   Tonights me-time involves some TV and sugar free pudding and some solving of the world problems with the hubby just in time to get up and do it again tomorrow.
-Good day Mama