Saturday, July 31, 2010

I swear it hasn't been that long since my last post!

How in the world has it been almost 2 weeks since my last post!  good lord.. work has been really busy and taking up my evenings and in the priority of things you may be surprised that the blog (apparently) comes last.. lol

We've had a weekend with grandma, grampa and grammy which was fun.. took a ride in our new family rig.. as Truman calls it.. 'the burban'  LOL  its a 1971 3 door suburban and its awesome!  Lola (the 67 pickup) is going to a new home and we plan on spending lots of family hours in her replacement.

The terrible twos are kicking in fast and strong and I'm continually amazed that people usually decide to have more when their children are this age... how is that?  Its a lot of fun to catch moments where he's doing something on his own and looks like such a big boy, can't believe how fast THAT happened! (then I realize that THAT's the reason why people decide to have more lol)

I finished up the 'Columbine' book and I wouldn't call it an easy read but it was interesting.. covered a lot of evidence and findings that were released after the 10year anniversary.  Scary stuff so its time for some lighter reading :)  I've started the book, Intuitive Parenting, first couple of pages talks about not worrying about paci or no paci, crying it out or family shows humor in the light of parenthood - my kind of book!

- bloggin mama

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Not quite sure how this happens

I blink and its Sunday... and not just Sunday but Sunday evening!  Had a good, busy weekend with the boys... got some more stuff unpacked and the Shoreline house finished up... almost like it never happened.. (almost)  The boys, Hank and Truman, played HARD this weekend... sprinklers and playsets included...

Hank is such a good big brother, he plays great with Truman and genuinely cares about the new things he does and laughs at the crazy funny things that happen when they play... its such a good time watching the two of them grow up together!  Now don't get me wrong when they are having a rough day together the thought of how much we could get for a couple of healthy white kids on ebay crosses my mind..but only for a split second ;)

Spent most of my free time this weekend either working or cleaning... ha ha.. free time.. that's funny... Rodney and I have decided that a family vacation is in order and so that's exactly what we are doing!  Late August we are getting the gang together at our little piece of heaven (Wallowa Lake OR)... Rodney found this great cabin that will fit all of us, we'll get to see our friends, the Deckers and possibly I hear from a little birdie the Boethins!  So the countdown has begun for that adventure along with possibly our first weekend away from Truberto in the middle of August to go see the Wright's in Portland... we'll see how that pans out, I know I can talk a big game right now a month or so out but I'm pretty sure I'll be having second thoughts here aaaany day.. lol

- back at it tomorrow mama

Thursday, July 15, 2010

How is it only Thursday?

This week, while good and productive, feels like I've tried to shove 2 weeks into 1!  Had a great time catching up with my friend Mandy last night, Truman even gave her a good night kiss! (big doins)
Work has been crazy busy... good.. but definitely busy.  I've done some trainings, some doc writing, some bug filing even a few releases.  We are still slowly getting more of the 'stuff' put back into its rightful place in the house but we've got time so I try to enjoy things like watching Truman play in the pasture after school :)  He says, 'back home' and 'daddy soon' right after I pick him up and then the closer we get to home he says, 'pasture' and 'tire swing'... lovin the country life (just like him mama and daddy).

- almost Friday mama!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kookaburra Black Liquorice

If you haven't tried it go out right now and BUY IT!! SOOOO GOOOD!! Its really the little things~  That on top of Truman having a good day at school, fun evening playing outside, easy bedtime, Evelyn feeling better, getting the lawn mowed and raked, getting to see my friend Maverick (Mandy Decker) tomorrow night and the yummy egg/turkey bacon sandie we had for dinner its been a damn good night!  Simple things can result in some pretty complex emotions~

- it's the simple things mama

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Better today

Today was one of those days where things seemed better, the kids got along better, Truman was less '2year old-ish' and I got to enjoy some fleeting moments of cuddle time.   I swear that in the last 2 months he has turned into a little boy right in front of my eyes and I need to slow down and enjoy the milestones (even the ones that have me pulling my hair out ;)).  Hank and Evelyn even had moments today where they battled but seemed to be getting along and having fun with it - sounds crazy but we'll take it!

We have about a 1/2 load left at the other house, got another load of big stuff this evening... lots of work behind us and ahead of us but hopefully we'll hear good news from Bank of America this week and the stress level will go down a notch.. fingers crossed!

Gearing up for a big week at work, new role with good challenges... I have my to-do list ready to tackle!

- remember these moments mama

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today was exhausting...

Today was one of those days where at 9pm at night I look at Rodney and say... shuwee, we made it!  Not sure if it was the heat, the kids being at each other, the fact that we haven't had a break in quite awhile or all of the above but WOW I'm beat!

The kids did have a great day, spending the morning with Grandma and Grandpa,  playing on the playset and outside in the water, come to think of it they should be exhausted too! (maybe that was part of our problem this evening).  I told them a little known fact that when Jeff and I were growing up we didn't have big water slides so instead we would run through sprinkler that wasn't on for our entertainment and then we would put water on the driveway and roll around in the puddles.. LOL

Got some more unpacking done,  mediated some disagreements, the grass unloaded from the back of the truck and Bull's working on a yummy dinner... oh and I'm having one of my favs... pink grapefruit juice and K-1 (vodka)... mama's little helper~

Here's a couple of good pics from today!

- enjoy your drink, get up and do it all over again tomorrow mama

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 3 year Anniversary!

Three years ago today we were joined by family and friends at our home in Sammamish to celebrate this wonderful day... this was only after spending 3 months prepping the house/yard and a full week of finishing up the details and getting everything set up!  We had the Valentines, Maxfields and my family move in with us for a week, which we are still so thankful for, and we all worked our butts off!

Saturday July 7 2007 was a beautiful sunny day, our family and friends joined us in the pasture under the tree, some already with drink in hand:) where we exchanged vows, laughed, cried and cheered the beginning of a new adventure!  We enjoyed great BBQ, some yummy Lemon Drops, many a chocolate cake shot and a very tasty cake (thank you Gigi!).  Now when I look out at that tree with the hearts carved into it I smile thinking about that day and all the people involved.  The same people who still, to this day, provide us with support and love to get through hard times and food and drink to help us celebrate the good times.

Our first 3 years have provided us some growth opportunities as a couple, as individuals and as a family and every minute we spend working on getting through those times together is worth it.

- mama hearts daddy

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mama, Mama, up-peas up-peas....

We've been having a rough week at the house... Truman's still sick, no fever (knock on wood) but his cough is somethin else.. ugh.. hurts me to hear it :(  I've now successfully picked up the cold and man do I feel like crap... the first thing I thought of was WOW I made Truman go to daycare feeling like this? lol

Along with entering the terrible two's (early) Truman is extremely clingy to me... I know I know someday I'm going to wish for this but right now I look like one of those commercials where the kid is hanging onto the mom's leg while she drags him along... all the while he's learned a new high pitch whine that I'm pretty sure could break a glass if he held the note long enough ;)

I know right now he's testing boundaries and figuring out how to be independent (when he wants to) but I think a lot of the clingyness right now is due to the amount of change he's had in his little world in the last 6mo.
  • We move out of the only house he's known
  • He breaks his arm and has to get a cast
  • We try a big boy bed (fail)
  • Only sees Nanny (Elizabeth) every once and awhile
  • Starts daycare
    • stops taking Paci to daycare
  • Has been sick for almost 2mo
  • Is starting to pay attention when people are around and when they aren't but doesn't quite get the schedule concept so sometimes he sees Henry and Evelyn and sometimes he doesn't... and sometimes he sees Daddy in the evening and sometimes he doesn't (depends on work and traffic etc).  Loves his Gramma, Grampa and Grammy but they come for awhile and then they go back to 'Penton".
  • We move back to Sammamish (long story... different blog post)
That's a lot of change to deal with even for a grown-up - no wonder he's clingy and doesn't want to get to far away from mama (I wouldn't either!)

Like I said... I know someday I'll miss the clingy and want to hear the words.. "Mama, Mama, up-peas, up-peas" but right now I'd just like to be able to do a load of laundry or walk into the other room without a piercing scream crawling up my spine!

- mama, mama, mama