Monday, August 16, 2010

The Birthday Quarter!

We are quickly entering the birthday quarter so it is quite fitting that today Truman got excited about a birthday one of his classmates had... when I picked him up he said 'birtday party mama' and then proceeded to sing the first line of Happy Birthday!  I asked him if he had fun.. 'YEAH', did you have a cupcake? 'YEAH', did you sing Happy Birthday? 'YEAH MAMA' with a big ol smile on his face :)  So I think we are no officially ready for the birthday quarter~

Evelyn's bday is 8/26, I hear Benihana's and a family bbq are on the docket.  Grandma LaVerne kicks off September by turning 81 on 9/10 and Hank the big 6 on 9/16,!  Truman turns 2 on 10/8 and Rodney and I have our bday to finish out the quarter on 10/24... how bout that for a busy couple of months? Its a good thing Truman has figured out the first words to the Happy Birthday song, he's about to get really good at it ;)

On a side note I think we have made it over the paci hurdle, he asks for it in desperate times of need, in the car when he's tired, at bedtime if he's struggling to go to sleep he looks in his woobie pocket hoping paci is there... overall I'm very proud of him (and of me for not giving in)... however now he has taken to sucking on his fingers instead, his thumb, 2 fingers, 3 fingers, his entire hand and sometimes two hands! I'm not sure which is worse? I'm pretty sure he's teething so whatever he needs to do to make his mouth feel better cutting those teeth I'm all for it!

- growing up aint easy mama

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